Payment Details

Payment Options At ECOTHREADS, we offer flexible payment options to make your shopping experience seamless. Choose from the following payment methods:

  1. Credit/Debit Card: We accept all major credit and debit cards, including Visa, Mastercard. Your payment is processed securely through our trusted payment gateway.
  2. Cash on Delivery (COD): For your convenience, we offer a cash-on-delivery option. Simply pay in cash when your order is delivered to your doorstep. Please note that COD may not be available for all locations.

Payment Security Your security is our priority. Rest assured that your payment information is encrypted and protected with the highest level of security protocols. We do not store your payment details, ensuring your peace of mind while shopping with us.

Billing Information Make sure to provide accurate billing information during checkout to prevent payment processing issues. If you have any billing-related questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team.